helena fairfax, freelance editor, yorkshire

Helena Fairfax

Choosing point of view: which one is best for your story?
helena fairfax, freelance editor, fiction editor, Yorkshire
What are the advantages and disadvantages of first person, third person and the omniscient point of view?
helena fairfax, the silk romance

It wasn’t until my first novel, The Silk Romance, was going through editing that I grasped point of view as a writer. I learned a lot from my excellent editor and rewrote many scenes with a much tighter focus, vastly improving the story.

Now, working as a freelance editor of fiction myself, I also see manuscripts where the point of view seems to vary in places. A shifting point of view can mean the reader isn’t fully emotionally engaged, which means they’re more distanced from the characters, and sometimes they’re simply confused as to who is telling the story.

First person point of view

In first person, the story is told from inside one character’s head, using ‘I’.

‘ “I think we should swap,” I tell Bee, bobbing up into a half-squat so I can talk to her over my computer screen. “I’m bricking it. You should do the start and I’ll do the end.” ’

This first line of The Switch, by Beth O’Leary, is a great example of some of the advantages of using first person point of view.

  1. Instant bond: Straightaway we’re inside the protagonist’s head, sitting at her desk. This gives a sense of intimacy and emotional engagement.
  2. Character depth: This pov more or less forces you as a writer to give the protagonist depth, because you can hardly write a story in the first person without showing the protagonist’s thoughts, emotions and motivations.
  3. Voice and style: With first person, you have to use the main character’s individual voice to tell the story, rather than your own as the writer. This unique voice adds to character depth, and again helps immerse the reader in the characters’ emotions.
The disadvantages of using first person point of view
  1. Keeping the perspective: One of the difficulties in writing first person is that you need to stay in this person’s head at all times. It may sound obvious, but it’s surprisingly easy to stray and give the game away that this story is being told by you, the author, and not your character.
  2. Keeping the reader on board: While having the story told in a distinctive voice can be an advantage, what if readers start to get tired of listening to the same character? Keeping the voice fresh and interesting can be a challenge.
  3. Keeping the reader informed: Sometimes you need to let readers know something that your main protagonist can’t possibly know. If you’re writing in the first person, this can take some thought and ingenuity.
Third person point of view

Third person pov (‘he said’, ‘she did’) can be used in a couple of ways.

Close third person This is similar to first person, in that you are looking at the world from inside your character’s head and through your character’s eyes.

Advantages of close third person:

  • With third person you can show more than one character’s point of view and the reader will see events from various perspectives
  • Third person allows you to give a little narrative distance, which is useful if you don’t want the voice/style of the novel to be dominated by your main protagonist’s individual voice

Third person remote It’s not easy to describe this approach, but perhaps think of it as you, the author, following your characters and seeing the world over their shoulder, rather than being inside their head.

Advantages of third person remote: This approach is useful if you have a lot of characters in an epic, plot-driven tale. It would be overwhelming for readers if they had to feel the emotions of every one of these characters closely.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com
Disadvantages of third person pov
  1. By staying inside one character’s head you’re able to give that character more depth and have the reader more emotionally involved. It takes skill to move from one character’s head to another’s mid-scene. Switching viewpoints in an arbitrary way is known as head-hopping. (If in doubt, it helps to stick to one character’s point of view per scene/chapter.)
  2. Besides jumping into another character’s point of view, with third person it’s easier to fall into the trap of jumping into the omniscient point of view – that is, jump from your character’s head into something that only you, the author, can know. It helps to stick rigorously to your character’s viewpoint and only describe what they can see/hear/feel/remember.
The omniscient point of view

In the omniscient point of view, the story is told by an all-seeing narrator who knows everything.

‘When Mary Lennox was sent to Misselthwaite Manor to live with her uncle everybody said she was the most disagreeable-looking child ever seen.’ Mary Lennox is the central character in The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson-Burnett. The narrator knows everything outside Mary’s point of view, including what others are saying about her.

The advantages of the omniscient point of view

  • The omniscient point of view can bring an extra dimension that’s not possible in a close point of view. It allows you to ‘pull back’ and reveal things that aren’t clear to the main characters
  • Using this pov can help you keep a certain narrative distance. This is useful if you don’t want the reader to feel overwhelmed by the characters’ emotions at any point – for example, when describing the horror of a battle scene
  • It can be easier to move seamlessly from one scene to another, without abrupt changes in point of view

The disadvantages of the omniscient point of view

  • It takes some skill to have readers feel deep emotional involvement with the characters when using this point of view. Authors I admire who do this really well are Charles Dickens, Margaret Mitchell in Gone with the Wind, and Gabrielle Zevin in Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow.
  • Switching too quickly between characters when writing in the omniscient pov can be bewildering for readers, just as it is when writing in the third person. It’s also easy to start creeping into writing a close third person. If you do this, you lose the distance of the omniscient narrator, and again this can be confusing for readers, who’ll begin to wonder who is telling this story. (I’ve felt this sometimes when reading Robert Galbraith’s Cormoran Strike books.)

Choosing point of view

When choosing point of view it can help to take a step back and weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of each perspective, but sometimes the only way to decide is to begin writing the story. Even the best writers, though, can sometimes slip out of their chosen perspective here and there in the narrative, and this is where an editor, or at least a good beta reader, can help.


I hope you’ve found my tips on point of view useful.

If you’d like to read the other authors’ takes on this month’s topic, please click on the links below.

In the meantime, do you have a favourite point of view to write? Or to read? Do you ever struggle with point of view?

If you have any comments at all, I’d love to hear from you!

Bob Rich – https://wp.me/p3Xihq-3aE

Connie Vines http://mizging.blogspot.com/

Diane Bator https://escapewithawriter.wordpress.com/

Helena Fairfax http://www.helenafairfax.com/blog

Victoria Chatham http://www.victoriachatham.com

Skye Taylor http://www.skye-writer.com/blogging_by_the_sea

15 responses to “Choosing point of view: which one is best for your story?”

  1. Skyewriter Avatar

    Excellent post, with clear definition and examples of the choices an author can choose between.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Helena Fairfax Avatar

      Thanks so much, Skye. I enjoyed thinking more deeply about this. Thanks for setting us another great topic


  2. Victoria Chatham Avatar
    Victoria Chatham

    Very well put, Helena. Plus you reminded me of The Secret Garden, one of my favourite childhood books.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Helena Fairfax Avatar

      I love that book too, Vicki. Plus, it’s set on the Yorkshire moors, near where I live. Thanks so much for dropping in, and for your comment.


  3. Dr Bob Rich Avatar

    Helena, this is more than a blog post. It’s a treatise on the subject. Excellent.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Helena Fairfax Avatar

      Thanks so much for your lovely comment, Bob! I really enjoyed putting this post together :)


  4. Marsha R. West Avatar

    Hey, Helena. As always your posts are so informative. This one is no exception. I would add one thought. Genre can influence what POV you use. Seldom do I find a romantic suspense written in first person and certainly not omniscient. Cozy mysteries tend to be written in first person and fantasies–well fantasies are all over the place. LOL I feel the key is to be very specific when writing in deep 3rd person to get the character’s name pretty close to the beginning of the sentence or paragraph. This is my favorite style both for writing and reading, though I have a few authors I enjoy who write in first person. I’ll share. :)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Helena Fairfax Avatar

      Hi Marsha, I totally agree about the pov often depending on the genre. In YA there seems to be a fashion to have the story told in the first person, like in The Hunger Games. One of the other authors also mentioned your great point about making it clear as soon as possible who is telling the story.
      Thanks so much for dropping in, and for sharing. I appreciate it!


  5. Esther O'Neill Avatar

    For fun, a step away from my usual reading, I’ve just finished Maude Horton’s Glorious Revenge. The concept and the changing POV of the book were exhilarating , but the rapid changes of voice and scene sometimes gave me a touch of mental seasickness and in the Arctic seas, frostbite too. Recently, I started a book in first person, then became omniscient. ( never true in life ) Great post, detailed and memorable, thanks


    1. Helena Fairfax Avatar

      Hi Esther, I hadn’t heard of Glorious Revenge. I just checked it out and it looks an unusual and interesting read. (Also, great cover!)
      It would be so interesting to alternate between first person and omniscient. I’ve never seen this done, except where the first person is done through something like letters, or a journal. Please do let me know if you decide to continue in this way, and if you can pull it off.
      I’m so glad you found the post useful. Thanks so much for dropping in, and for your great comment!


  6. Esther O'Neill Avatar

    Thanks Helena,
    First person to omniscient ?
    Tried it last year, in a book, because a key character, aged 14, had managed to conceal her circumstances for so long.
    Abandoned by her mother and mother’s new partner, she lived below the radar, while continuing to go to school. Then she had to seek help, adult narration took over.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Helena Fairfax Avatar

      Ah, I like this idea! I see how this switch in pov would work very well.


  7. Esther O'Neill Avatar

    Given Evie’s situation, I couldn’t think of any other solution.
    ( I need to explain what happened, 2023)

    Liked by 1 person

  8. jameschristie466 Avatar

    I think I’ve swapped between first person and third person/omniscient in my time… “Dear Miss Landau”, being a biographical account of actual events (loved stealing that starship!) probably couldn’t have been anything other than first person.

    However, my beloved vampire’s adventures in fan-fiction must have flip-flopped around between close third person and omniscient because in “Drusilla’s Redemption” I had to describe Dru and Xander’s feelings as well as the world-ending menace emanating from the Great Rift Valley. It was quite the little epic, and I always make the point that Dru’s stories were written to the same standard as “Dear Miss Landau.” I actually think “Drusilla’s Roses” was better than “Landau…” There were just insuperable copyright problems, so both can now be found, freshly-formatted, on this fan website:https://archiveofourown.org/users/JamesChristie68

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Helena Fairfax Avatar

      Hi James,
      It’s such a great shame about the copyright problems. I loved Drusilla’s Roses. It’s the perfect piece of fan fiction. There are some wonderful comments about your story on the site, too. I hope one day it reaches a wider audience. Thanks very much for dropping in – and so glad you were able to comment!

      Liked by 1 person

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