helena fairfax, freelance editor, yorkshire

Helena Fairfax

Good to meet you…author Scott R. Caseley
Today I’m excited to be holding the first in a series of author interviews.  Author Scott R. Caseley has very kindly offered to be guinea-pig for my random interview style, and has answered my ten varyingly quirky  questions with great aplomb!  I hope you enjoy reading his answers as much as I did.  Please join me in welcoming fellow author Scott R. Caseley…
romance, romance authors, author interview, author q & a, books, writing, writers
Scott R. Caseley

Where do you live, Scott?

I live in the heart of New England, directly in the middle of everything. The mountains are a couple hours north, the ocean an hour east, the urban life an hour south, or rural to the west. It’s the land that can really inspire so many different kinds of writing, and it has. From my journeys to each of the six states in the region, the trips and treks have inspired poetry, short stories, screenplays, later films, and my novel, in one way or another. Claude Monet painted European landscapes the way he saw them, Mark Twain captured his view of the common folk of the American South, and I thirst to tell stories that honor the vistas and people of my region in my perspective as I feel they did with theirs in their works.

Where is your favourite place in the world?

I haven’t been to too many places yet. However, I would have to say right now; it’s a tie between the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, and the beaches of Santa Barbara, California. My favorite part of day is that time right before the sun sets, often called “magic hour” by photographers, and for me, those two places experience that time of day best.

Being a writer is a great job.  What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?

Honestly, I can’t say that any one job has been the worst. I’ve gained things out of every experience, whether it was lessons on how to work harder, lifelong friendships with co-workers, skills I never had before. And, of course, every place a writer works can provide raw material for a story or two, right?

What book do you wish you’d written?

Interesting question, I’d have to say that it would have to be Little Chapel on The River by Gwendolyn Bounds, which is incidentally one of my favorite books of all-time. It’s a memoir about a woman who moves to a small town after 9/11 and the characters she meets at a bar. The writing is genius, she captures people in an unflinchingly real way, and gives them a full pallet of color, depth, shading, and at times it’s like looking at a series of Norman Rockwell paintings. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think of that book at least once.

What’s your happiest memory?

In college, I followed a childhood dream to fruition when I made my first movie. Together with a friend who graduated the year before, we gathered a sizeable cast and crew and it had hiccups, starts and stops, but we finished it. And, the day we debuted that in the cafeteria, which had partially doubled as a screening room, we had a full house there to see it. My friend emceed it, and when it was over, people congratulated me and made me feel so happy that I had taken a risk and it had worked out. It was the first time I can remember that a dream of mine came true. I often cite that evening to other people to encourage them to follow theirs. 

If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and what would you say to them?

The person who wrote Epic of Gilgamesh, and ask them, “What inspired you to not just tell this story but to write it down as well?”

What would your superpower be, if you could choose one?

To give each dreamer on the planet the confidence and path to follow one dream to fruition.

If you won twenty million in the lottery, what would you do with the money?

I would donate it to educational foundations, cancer research, and the starving people who need it. And, I would not keep any for myself.

What’s the most important lesson life has taught you?

Pour everything into your passion, your goals, and you just may make some of your dreams come true.

romance, romance author, books, writing, writers, authors, interview, q & a

And finally, please tell us about your latest book, where we can find it, and where we can find your blog/website.

Isosceles is a story of two best friends, Sean McIntyre and Trey Goodsby, told largely through flashback after Sean finds Trey dead his bathroom, after an overnight visit. In looking back on their thirteen year friendship, the reader will figure out much about personal responsibility, on the part of both boys. Many questions regarding Trey’s death, and the driving force for much of their friendship, depend greatly on their shared love interest, Madeline Edwards.

My two primary websites are https://www.scottrcaseleyauthor.com and https://www.facebook.com/ScottRCaseleyWriter

Additionally, I can be found on Twitter @scottrcaseley and my email is SRCaseley@gmail.com

My novel Isosceles is available from the following online stores:

Thank you very much for this interview, Helena. It was a lot of fun.

Thanks for coming all the way from New England, Scott.  It’s been good to meet you and I wish you good luck with your dreams!

If you have any questions for Scott or any comments on his interview, please let me know below.  I look forward to hearing from you!

11 responses to “Good to meet you…author Scott R. Caseley”

  1. Mary W. Avatar

    Great interview, Helena. Loved the questions.

    Scott- your book sounds great- I will have to go check it out!


    1. Helena Fairfax Avatar

      Thanks Mary! I loved Scott’s answers – loved he way he thought about everything so deeply. Thanks for visiting!


    2. Scott R. Caseley Avatar


      Thank you very much for reading the interview, hope you enjoy the book!



  2. Scott R. Caseley Avatar


    Thank you very much for your marvelous interview. It was very interesting to do, and I enjoyed the originality of your questions. I know that future interviewees will have fun as I did.

    Best wishes,


    1. Helena Fairfax Avatar

      Thanks Scott! And thanks for being my first interviewee. I loved reading your answers. You gave a great picture of New England for those of us who’ve never had the opportunity to visit. I’m looking forward to discovering more in your book. Best wishes!


  3. J.Q. Rose Avatar

    Helena you asked great questions and Scott answered with very thoughtful responses. I love the advice to encourage people to take a risk to make their dream come true. Best wishes on your new release, Scott!!


    1. Helena Fairfax Avatar

      Thanks so much for visiting! I also enjoyed Scott’s thoughtful answers – he was a great first interviewee. I’m wishing him all the best!


    2. Scott R. Caseley Avatar

      Hi J.Q.,

      Thank you very much for reading the interview and for your kindhearted response to it. I think that there is nothing greater than to let people know that their dreams can be within grasp, not all of of them of course, but some of them. Just got to know you can do it.

      Have a nice weekend.



  4. Mary Curtis Avatar

    Hi, Helen and Scott, I’m following you both on Facebook and had to drop by to check out Scott’s interview–enjoyed the insights. I now have two more books to add to my wish list: Scott’s and the Little Chapel on the RIver, which I haven’t yet read. Mary C.


    1. Helena Fairfax Avatar

      Hi Mary, thanks for visiting. Scott gave some great answers – glad you enjoyed them as much as I did.


    2. Scott R. Caseley Avatar


      Thank you so much for your kind words, they are very appreciated. Helena sure knows how to ask great questions, doesn’t she? I foresee a lot of people wanting to be interviewed by her.

      Thank you in advance for reading Isosceles. I do hope that you enjoy both books. I cannot speak highly enough about “Little Chapel on The River”. Ms. Bounds’ memoir is very poetic and moving, but also quite funny at times too.



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