helena fairfax, freelance editor, yorkshire

Helena Fairfax

Good to meet you…author Tammy Lowe

Today’s visitor has provided me with an excellent excuse for cake.  We can always find reasons for cake in the Fairfax household, and I happen to know it was  Tammy Lowe’s birthday at the weekend.  Excellent!  So I’ve just cut Tammy a delicious slice of orange and chocolate sponge (mmm, smelll that fresh baked smell), made a big pot of tea, and we’re ready to go.

Happy belated birthday, Tammy!

author interview, tammy lowe, ya novel, time travel, romanceHi Helena,  thank you so much for having me here today!

It’s my pleasure.  Where have you travelled from today?   I live in Cambridge, Ontario, with my husband of twenty years and our teenage son.

And where is your favourite place in the world?  Oh, that’s a good question.  I’ve explored pyramids in Egypt and sailed down a river in rural China on a tiny raft.  I’ve slept in the tower of a 15th century Scottish castle, searched for the Loch Ness Monster and have even dined at a Bedouin camp in the Arabian Desert.

I love to explore this amazing world of ours, but the thing I’ve learned in all my travels is that there truly is no place like home.

I envy you all that travelling.  Those are such romantic locations to visit.  Being a writer is a great job – what’s the worst job you’ve ever had?  Telemarketing when I was a teenager.  I’m painfully shy and hate talking on the phone.  I have no idea why I even took the job.  I was a basket case the entire shift and my heart would pound as the phone rang.  Please don’t pick up. Please don’t pick up. I can’t think of a job I’m less suitable for.

That sounds absolutely terrible!  Let’s talk about something else.  What’s your happiest memory?  The birth of my one and only child.

If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and what would you say to them?  Julie Andrews.  What would I say to her? SING! Pretty please with sugar on top.  Then I would hang on her every word.

Excellent choice!  What would your superpower be, if you could choose one?  I’d love to be able to time travel.  And fly.  And have an invisibility cloak. And…oh, just one?  *grin*

If you won twenty million in the lottery, what would you do with the money?  After I spoiled my hubby and our son, I’d start a children’s foundation and give out scholarships and things like that.

 What’s the most important lesson life has taught you?    “You get what you think about, whether you want it or not.”

That’s a very deep philosphy.  And finally, please tell us about your latest book, where we can find it, and where we can find your blog/website

tammy lowe, ya novel, time travel, scotland, highlands, romance

A time-traveling twelve-year-old lands in trouble while visiting the 17th century Scottish Highlands in my new book, The Acadian Secret.

Back Cover:  Elisabeth London is keeping her new friends a secret from her parents.  Not only do they live on the other side of the world in the Scottish Highlands, they lived more than three hundred and fifty years ago. Her mom and dad would never allow her to go gallivanting about seventeenth century Scotland.  They won’t even let her go to the mall by herself yet.

Twelve-year-old Elisabeth is old enough to know there is no such thing as magic, but when her quartz crystal necklace has the power to transport her back and forth in time, she no longer knows what to think.  The only thing she is certain of is that she loves spending carefree days with Quinton, the mischievous nephew of a highland warrior, and sassy little Fiona, a farmer’s daughter.

However, Elisabeth’s adventures take a deadly turn when she is charged with witchcraft.  At a time and place in history when witch-hunts were common, those found guilty were executed, children included. Elisabeth must race to find her way back home, while trying to stay one step ahead of the witch-hunter determined to see her burned at the stake

You can find me at www.tammylowe.com

The Acadian Secret is available wherever e-books are sold.

Thanks very much for calling in today, Tammy.  It’s been great to meet you.  Hope you have a good trip back to Ontario!

If you enjoyed hearing about Tammy’s time travel novel, or if you have any questions for her, please let us know in the comments.  It would be lovely to hear from you!

6 responses to “Good to meet you…author Tammy Lowe”

  1. J.Q. Rose Avatar

    Hi Tammy, Your time traveling twelve year old sounds like a great read. You yourself are quite the world traveler. So many exotic places. I bet you could write a book about it!! Best wishes with your new release!


  2. Tamara Lowe Avatar

    Thanks for having me here today, Helena. The cake was fabulous!

    Thank you for the good wishes.
    My travels probably work their way into my stories, one way or another.


  3. Erin Avatar

    Your book sounds great! I’ll let my friend who runs a middle grade book club know about it! ;) Happy belated birthday!!


    1. Tamara Lowe Avatar

      Thank you!
      It’s a fun read for young and old.


  4. Tina Williams Avatar

    Hi Tammy. This sounds like a fascinating read. I particularly like the inclusion of the witchcraft trials in the plot.


  5. Tamara Lowe Avatar

    Hi Tina,

    There is also a really fascinating treasure hunt in there. It’s based on the longest running, the most famous, and the deadliest treasure hunt in history.


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